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To: Angelo Infantino <angeloinfa_at_hotmail.com>
CC: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Re: Activity/fission/neutron balance binnings cannot be track-leng=
References: <200911162214.nAGMEf44027812_at_smtp1.mi.infn.it>
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Hello Angelo,
Alfredo Ferrari give me this explanation a few years ago.
It is because the calculation of activity is ponctual and the=20
calculation of fluence is a distribution.
You should change your WHAT(1) from your first USRBIN card to 0.0 or 1.0.
Hope it helps.
Angelo Infantino a =E9crit :
> Hi to all,
> i'm trying to calculate the activity in a region of my geometry but=20
> the code give me this error:
> =20
> *** Activity/fission/neutron balance binnings cannot be track-length!!!
> =20
> what mean?
> I attach my input file. Thank you to all for your help.
> =20
> Angelo Infantino
Received on Tue Nov 17 2009 - 09:58:26 CET
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