hi Andtrzej,
that energy does not cover fluka range (up to 100MeV/n).
you need BME option which is not implemented yet as far as i know.
but to get dose depth,
1. link dpmjet with fluka
2. run your simulation with nuclear interactions is on
3. usrbin scoring
4. use flair to get dose-depth along beam axis (1d histo)
On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Andrzej Wojciechowski
<andrzej_at_cyf.gov.pl> wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users
> How can I calculate the heavy ion of depth distribution implantated into
> target? Heavy ion beam energy -3Mev /nucleon.
> Kind regards
> Andtrzej
-- ============================== ()".'."() Ercan Pilicer ( (T) ) Uludag University, Turkey (ö) (ö) High Energy Physics Department ==============================Received on Wed Nov 18 2009 - 16:33:27 CET
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