Dear Roger
There is setting command, 'Attach timeout(s)' in the project of
preferences of tools menu.
I usually modify the value to 10000 sec (Maybe default is 120 sec)
because first two running is finished before 3 hours.
At old version, it didn't affect a long-time running of 1st cycle for
running time estimation.
But at new version, I always use this setting.
I don't know exact meaning of 'Attach timeout' and the reason, but it
works. Please try!
Vasilis Vlachoudis:
> Hi Roger,
> Flair is trying to peek the information on the status of the Run by
> reading the output files produced by FLUKA in the temporary directory.
> There is a timeout (set in the preferences) of a couple of minutes, when
> nothing has changed then it shows the "Timeout" message.
> This can happen in long runs, and if FLUKA is not writing any
> information. In this case click the "Attach" button and flair will
> re-attach to the current run.
> Cheers
> Vasilis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: =
> [] On Behalf Of Roger H=E4lg
> Sent: Monday, 21 December 2009 17:51
> To: Fluka discussion
> Subject: Flair - Progress Status
> Dear Fluka and especially Flair experts
> I'm using FLUKA version 2008.3c.0 and Flair version 0.7.9 for my
> simulations. I noticed that when I start a run which does not finish
> within a few minutes, the progress status in the "Run Fluka" tab does
> not work. In the beginning of a run the messages are as usual: waiting
> to attach and running. But after some minutes the status changes to
> "timed-out" and all the information on the current cycles and run are
> gone. I can see, by using for instance the linux command top, that the
> process is still running and I get normal results of the run as
> expected. Only the progress information does not work.=20
> I tried to update the information by using the refresh button, but it
> does not help.=20
> Did anyone notice the same behaviour and is there a solution to this
> problem?
> Thanks for your help!
> Greetz
> Roger
-- ************************************************************** Hee-Seock Lee, Ph.D. Staff Researcher Tel : 82-54-279-1854 Radiation Safety Team Fax : 82-54-279-1799 Beamline Division Pohang Accelerator Laboratory / POSTECH San 31, Nam-gu, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 790-784, Korea **************************************************************Received on Tue Dec 22 2009 - 09:31:58 CET
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