Dear Ahmad,
I don't believe this to be an error, just an artefact of the energy loss
steps. There are two ways of eliminating/reducing these steps: you can use
FLUKAFIX to reduce the energy loss step size (I think using HADROTHE
defaults will set this to something reasonable also - the value you must be
using looks to be quite large) and/or enable DELTARAY with a transport
threshold around 10 keV and this will "smooth" the energy deposition much
better by generating secondary electrons above this threshold, but of course
this results in a longer computational time.
I hope this helps,
Dan Kirby
Medical Physics Group
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston Park Road
Birmingham B15 2TT
+44 (0) 121 4144714
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: 15 January 2010 17:34
Subject: FLUKA error
Dear FLUKA User,
I am using FLUKA code. I want to check the depth dose distribution of Proton
beam inside a water tank as irradiated target. but there is some problems in
the produced Bragg peak. the initial part of the Bragg curve has some
ripples (or Zigzags) and it's not smooth!!. I used USRBIN estimator. I
changed the target material, binning of the target (water tank) and used
different amount of the protons as primary particles (1 milion & 10 Milion),
but the mentioned error was not removed. an image of my results has been
attached via this email. please help me, and tell me what's the problem and
what I have to do?
Thank you very much in advance
Best Regards,
Received on Sat Jan 16 2010 - 18:20:14 CET
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