Dear Sunil,
the energy threshold for Heavy Ions for BOTH primary particles and
secondary particles is 10 MeV/n.
The concept of threshold for primary particles is used in the manual just
to remind to the users to use a primary beam energy higher than the
transport threshold in order to simulate a meaningful history.
For the moment, you cannot perform residual nuclei calculation with fluka
for 10MeV/n alpha beam.
> Dear Fluka experts,
> I want to do residual nuclei calculation with fluka for 10MeV/n alpha. The
> online manual says that the energy threshold for Heavy Ions is 100 MeV/n
> for Primary particles and 10 MeV/n for secondary particles. Does it mean
> that I will not be able to simulate the Alpha particles with 10MeV/n as
> Primary particle ? Why Fluka treats the primary and secondary particles
> differently ?
> With Regards,
> S. Chatterjee
> Scientific Officer,
> TLD Unit, BARC
> Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
> 1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
> Off:+91-33-23184207
> Fax:+91-33-23346871
Received on Wed Jan 20 2010 - 11:26:32 CET
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