I'm using the latest version of FLUKA together with FLAIR 0.7.9.
The user routines are attached as a tar file. The appropriate version of
ROOT is 5.26.
Acutally I asked for 100000 primaries per cycle. Three cycles finished
normally, within the fourth the crash occured.
On 02/17/2010 11:53 AM, Sommerer, Florian wrote:
> Dear Olaf,
> The backtrace tells where problem occures but to investigate it it is
> important to reproduce your crash.
> Unfortunatley I can not reproduce the crash using the latest version of
> FLUKA. In order to help you more information is necessary.
> Which version of FLUKA do you use?
> Are you using a customized version of mgdraw or other user routines?
> What do you mean by the crash happens after 300000 events? Do you run
> several cycles or do you give a higher number of primaries than the
> 100000 written in the file you sent?
> Cheers, Florian
> --
> Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Florian Sommerer
> Physiker
> Radiologische Klinik / Heidelberger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum
> Florian.Sommerer_at_med.uni-heidelberg.de
> Im Neuenheimer Feld 450
> 69120 Heidelberg
> Germany=20
> -----Urspr=FCngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it =
> [mailto:owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] Im Auftrag von Olaf Hartmann
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Februar 2010 17:49
> An: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Betreff: BXDRAW runtime error
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I encounter a runtime error in the BXDRAW entry of mgdraw which leads to =
> a core dump. Actually it happened after 300 kevents without problems.=20
> Here's the backtrace from gdb:
> #0 0x00ba9430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
> #1 0x0013aa91 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
> #2 0x0013c35a in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
> #3 0x00ac999b in sig_die () from /usr/lib/libg2c.so.0
> #4 0x00ac9252 in s_rnge () from /usr/lib/libg2c.so.0
> #5 0x0804b405 in __g77_masterfun_mgdraw (__g77_which_entrypoint=3D1,
> icode=3D0x85b93c0, mreg=3D0x9976920, newreg=3D0x99769c0, =
> xsco=3D0x9976938,
> ysco=3D0x9976940, zsco=3D0x9976948, rull=3D0x0) at mgdraw.f:283
> #6 0x0804b964 in bxdraw_ (icode=3D0x0, mreg=3D0x0, newreg=3D0x0, =
> xsco=3D0x0,
> ysco=3D0x0, zsco=3D0x0) at mgdraw.f:109
> #7 0x08299f82 in kashea_ ()
> #8 0x08100190 in kaskad_ ()
> #9 0x080fc30c in feeder_ ()
> #10 0x0804f692 in flukam_ ()
> #11 0x080496c2 in MAIN__ ()
> #12 0x085a46e9 in main ()
> Line 109 (#6) and 283 (#5) of mgdraw.f correspond to 'ENTRY BXDRAW' and =
> The input file is attached.
> Cheers
> Olaf.
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