Hi Sunil,
The problem is not with Flair, but in the *.inp file. Indeed, the
distance between the Y7 and the Y8 planes (0.12cm) doesn't respect the
repetition step for the lattice cells (0.22 cm on the y-axis): because
of this mismatch, in the replica you don't find the entire prototype
(the line of holes in the lead target), but only ~half of it (0.12cm)
and the vacuum on top (0.1cm). You should move that plane (and
consequently all the others, up to Y17) down by 0.1 cm.
A potentially relevant advice: the beam starts at (0.0,0.0,0.0), but
that point is on the boundary between the target and the vacuum around;
I would suggest to slightly displace the source point (0.01 cm are large
A much less relevant advice: the WHAT(1) (=200+transformation index) of
all the ROT-DEFI cards implies a rotation around the y-axis of 0.0deg
polar/theta angle. Since it is a pure translation, for an easier reading
of your file, I would suggest to avoid the 200.
Mereghetti Alessio
1211 Geneve 23 CH
+41 22 76 79 564
On Wed, 2010-02-17 at 10:54 +0500, sujoy_at_veccal.ernet.in wrote:
> Dear all,
> I want to simulate a collimator for scintimamography for that I
> am using Lattice Card for making the collimator holes.
> I have made the first row and using the Lattice card,
> I want to make the rest of the collimator, which is the replication
> in the Y axis. But, on plotting the geometry, after 7th row,
> I could see only half circles, as compared to full circles for the
> holes in the previous rows. I have debug geometry and could not find
> any errors. Pl let me know what
> is the reasons for seeing only the Half circles for holes beyond 7th row.
> I am attaching the input files and the plot for reference
> With Regards,
> S. Chatterjee
> Scientific Officer,
> TLD Unit, BARC
> Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
> 1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
> Off:+91-33-23184207
> Fax:+91-33-23346871
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