Johannes Ranft <Johannes.Ranft_at_cern.ch>,
"Lawrence S. Pinsky" <pinsky_at_uh.edu>,
Maurizio Pelliccioni
Paola Sala <paola.sala_at_cern.ch>,
Roesler <stefan.roesler_at_cern.ch>,
Vasilis Vlachoudis
<fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>, <fluka-users_at_fluka.org>,
Pedro Vaz <pedrovaz_at_itn.pt>
Subject: Announcement: FLUKA advanced course/workshop
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Dear FLUKA users
the FLUKA development team is organizing a joint advanced course/workshop
in Portugal, during the week October 4th-8th.
The course/workshop, organized with the precious collaboration of ITN Lisbo=
and in particular of Prof. P. Vaz, will be held at:
Hotel Vila Gal=E9 ERICEIRA
(http://www.vilagale.pt/pages/hoteis/?hotel=3D10 )
40 kms Northwest of Lisbon, a very nice hotel by the Atlantic Ocean in a=20
charming fishermen=B4s village
The format will be half of each day dedicated to presentation by users abou=
complex/advanced applications of FLUKA to their problem, and the other half
dedicated to lectures about advanced features of the code and related
The exact amount of the participation fee will be communicated in due
course, as well as the details for registration, and submission of=20
It would be important for us to receive as soon as possible expressions of
interest by users who plan to participate at the following e-mail=20
with an indication of the topics they work on, and if they plan to give a
presentation. We would like to be able to freeze a tentative summary
programme by mid-april and open the registrations at that time
Best regards
The FLUKA development team
Received on Tue Mar 30 2010 - 23:39:41 CEST
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