Dear Vassili,
ENDRAW gives only the energy deposited AT A POINT: kerma, recoils not
followed explicitely, particles below threshold. All these are not
real physical effects, but approximations.
Most of the energy is deposited along particle tracks (dE/dx stopping
power) and you can get it from the main MGDRAW ENTRY.
Anyway, the best way to check the total energy deposited is in
the counters at the end of the main output.
On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Vassili Maroussov wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> the simplest test case is considered - a proton is hitting a very large
> water volume (please see the input attached). I would expect the sum of
> _all_ energy depositions obtained with the ENDRAW entry of MGDRAW to be
> close to the initial proton kinetic energy. However the distribution of
> that sum over events has a peak at _much_ lower energy (~6.2MeV for
> 250MeV beam, ~17MeV for 500MeV beam, ~26MeV for 750MeV beam) - please
> see plots attached. What is a reason?
> Regards,
> Vassili
-- Alberto Fasso` SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025 Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569 fasso_at_slac.stanford.eduReceived on Wed Apr 28 2010 - 18:10:06 CEST
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