Dear Alberto,
Thank you so much. I erroneously thought that all types of energy
depositions cause the ENDRAW call :) Now the question about timing of
MTRACK depositions along a track becomes more complicated :( , because
their positions aren't accessible, are they?
P.S. Also thanks to Konstantin Batkov
On 04/28/2010 05:14 PM, Alberto Fasso' wrote:
> Dear Vassili,
> ENDRAW gives only the energy deposited AT A POINT: kerma, recoils not
> followed explicitely, particles below threshold. All these are not
> real physical effects, but approximations.
> Most of the energy is deposited along particle tracks (dE/dx stopping
> power) and you can get it from the main MGDRAW ENTRY.
> Anyway, the best way to check the total energy deposited is in
> the counters at the end of the main output.
> Alberto
> On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Vassili Maroussov wrote:
>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>> the simplest test case is considered - a proton is hitting a very large
>> water volume (please see the input attached). I would expect the sum of
>> _all_ energy depositions obtained with the ENDRAW entry of MGDRAW to be
>> close to the initial proton kinetic energy. However the distribution of
>> that sum over events has a peak at _much_ lower energy (~6.2MeV for
>> 250MeV beam, ~17MeV for 500MeV beam, ~26MeV for 750MeV beam) - please
>> see plots attached. What is a reason?
>> Regards,
>> Vassili
Received on Wed Apr 28 2010 - 18:49:07 CEST
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