Dear Konstantin,
you are right: the NMXGRP parameter must be certainly at least equal to
the number of low energy neutron groups, that in the new neutron library
(available since 2008) are 260 (while in the older ENEA library, the only
available in the code at the time RDBDX was written, were only 72).
I would strongly suggest you, however, the use of the USXSUW routine
(instead of RDBDX), which allows you to compute also the statistical
errors over several runs. USXSUW became the standard routine for this kind
of analysis, it is distributed with the code and there you find correctly
set: NMXGRP=300.
Thanks and best regards,
> Hello,
> It seems there is a bug in the program RDBDX, listed on pages 238-242 of
> the
> current manual: the number of low-energy neutron groups (parameter NMXGRP,
> 3rd line on page 239) is set to 100, which causes the crash of the
> program.
> Maybe it should be set to 260?
> Konstantin
Received on Mon Nov 08 2010 - 13:55:17 CET
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