Hello again,
I think there is something else, I checked and it seems that one must at
least have more than one bin in X or Y in your USRBIN detector.
With 2.0 bins in Y, and the proper transport thresholds, it works.
Hello Justin,
I think you might look at this recent post of Anna Ferrari, especially
the first part, EMFCUT part with SDUM=blank.
Then, you might use the user routine called source.f and activated with
SOURCE card. Within this routine, you can define your spectrum with any
logic that you wish.
Hope it helps.
Best regards.
Le 15/11/2010 20:57, Cantley, Justin Lewis wrote :
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I am trying to create a simple depth dose simulation with 100 keV
> x-rays incident upon water. I am having a problem in that all of the
> energy is deposited in the first millimeter of my water block (input
> file attached). Does anyone have any suggestions as to what needs to
> be fixed? Also, after I fix this problem, I want to use an x-ray
> spectrum (which I've also attached if it helps) instead of just
> setting the photons to 100 keV. Even after looking at the manual I'm
> not sure how to do that, so any suggestions on that would be
> appreciated as well. Thanks.
> - Justin
Received on Tue Nov 16 2010 - 16:49:25 CET
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