Subject: Re: Definition of a rectangular beam
Sender: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it
to be even more explicit, you have to put 20.0 both in WHAT(4) and WHAT(5)
of the BEAM card, and give the coordinates of the square center in BEAMPOS
WHAT(1-3) (by default the origin of the coordinate system is taken)
FLUKA results will be normalized per incident ion, so by multiplying by
8300 ions/cm2 * 400 cm2 you will get numbers referring to the whole
rectangular beam
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Sun, 16 Jan 2011, Anna Ferrari wrote:
> Dear Jean-Emmanuel,
> if your source has a rectangular profile as you wrote, the card BEAM
> should be enough to describe it: through WHAT(4) and WHAT(5) you specify
> respectively the beam width in x and in y (WHAT(6) must be in this case
> positive, it is 1 by default).
> When you get your results (beam profile, particle fluences and then doses)
> you must remember to correctly normalize to the fluence of the beam.
> Please send your input file if you still have problems,
> Kind regards,
> Anna
>> Dear Fluka users,
>> I need to compare calculation results from MCNPX and FLUKA with
>> experiment results from a square iron ions (1GeV/A) beam with a
>> center of approximately 20 x 20 cm2. The beam fluence is about 8300
>> ions/cm2 and it is important to have the whole beam because ??dishes were
>> used (with a biological target) and have a smaller size (diameter of
>> 35mm) than the beam size.
>> MCNPX results and experimental dose are in good accordance (~0.2 cGy),
>> but not with FLUKA. I believe that my beam profile is wrong.
>> Should I modify in the subroutine SOURCE some variables to have an
>> isotropic distribution of ions between -10 cm and 10 cm (both for x and
>> y axes)?
>> Thank you in advance for your help.
>> Jean-Emmanuel
>> --
>> _____________________________________________
>> Jean-Emmanuel Groetz
>> Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Radiation
>> University of Franche-Comte
>> 16, route de Gray
>> 25030 Besancon Cedex
>> France
>> mailto: jegroetz_at_univ-fcomte.fr
>> phone: +33 3 81 66 65 07
>> fax : +33 3 81 66 65 22
>> ______________________________________________
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