Dear Ertan,
in FLUKA there is no way to distinguish between alloys and amorphous
What you need to input (by commands MATERIAL and COMPOUND) is the
density and the relative atom composition, probably expressed as fractional
weight amounts in your case.
I guess that the difference between your two targets shows up only as a
different density.
On Thu, 3 Mar 2011, Ertan Arikan wrote:
> Dear Fluka Experts,
> I want to produce the positrons. For this, I use the electron beam of 2.37 GeV energy and the W-Re (W75Re25)
> alloy target . These electrons hit on the target and then I can obtain the positrons
> (thanks for Fluka experts helps).
> Now I want to compare the particle fluence for the W-Re alloy target and the amorphous W-Re alloy target.
> My problem;
> 1) Can the amorphous W-Re alloy target be added? Which CARD?
> 2) If there is not the amorphous W-Re target, How can I add the another amorphous target
> (for example amorphous tungsten)?
> Thanks for your helps
> Ertan ARIKAN
Received on Thu Mar 03 2011 - 15:57:33 CET
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