Dear Muftiji,
It seems that tkinter version 8.5 is not installed properly in your PC.
Kindly install it and then install geoviewer as per the instruction given in the web. H
ope this helps.
With Regards,
S. Chatterjee
Scientific Officer,
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,
1/AF, Bidhannagar,Kolkata-64
----- Original Message -----
From: Sabi ud din Mufti<>
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:55 pm
Subject: Flair not able to find geometry viewer in Suse linux 10.3
> Dear Fluka Users,
> When I start flair. I get the following message.
> Starting flair V0.9.1
> Geometry viewer not found
> Error: can not open shared object file or directory
> Although flair starts but without the Geoviewer interface.
> I installed the flair 0.9.1 and geoviewer as per instructions on
> the Website
> cheers
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> S Mufti
> -----------------------------------------------------------
Received on Mon Mar 14 2011 - 14:29:02 CET
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