It seems there is a problem with my attachment so I send them again.
On 3/11/11, Hamideh Jalali <jalali.hb_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear FLUKA Users
> In my problem I modified subroutine source to get a circular electron
> beam which travels in a ring of air in x-y plane and height of 100cm
> (z=100).
> I expected to get uniform fluence of photons and electrons and dose
> around the ring but USRBIN results show something just in the small
> area of ring.
> Please guide me where is I am wrong. Is there any way to score the
> trace of beam?
> Kind Regards
> Hamideh
> ps the input and source.f is attached.
Received on Mon Mar 14 2011 - 15:45:26 CET
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