I can now confirm that Lanthanum will be available in the low-energy neutron
cross section library which will be distributed with the next FLUKA release.
Once the release has taken place, follow Paola's instructions about how to
define the Lanthanum Bromide compound.
> I would like to add one thing too.
> There are no Lanthanum cross sections in the present low-energy neutron
> library. Therefore, the actual question to be asked is; "Will Lanthanum
> be added to the library in the next release?". I know that many new elements
> will be added, but I don't know yet about Lanthanum.
> Alberto
> Hello
> you will have to define all the elements in your crysyal with MATERIAL cards
> Then, define a new MATERIAL for the crystal and add a COMPOUND card to
> define the elemental composition. Take care of using standard names for
> the elements, or use a LOWMAT card to associate the correct neutron
> librery. Please look in the manual, in the low energy neutron section, for
> information about the neuttron data sets, and in the COMPOUND and MATERIAL
> card description for more details
> Cheers
> Paola
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2011, Ertan Arikan wrote:
>> Dear Fluka experts,
>> I want to add the new material (scintillation crystal) in my input file.
>> This crystal is Lanthanum Bromide (LaBr3:Ce3+).
>> How can I add this new material.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Davut Cakir
Received on Sat Mar 19 2011 - 09:02:51 CET
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