Dear FLUKA users and authors
When I am looking at the transport limits of FLUKA I see different
limits for secondary and primary particles.
The lower threshold for secondaries is always below the corresponding
lower threshold of primary particles (differences up to a factor 1E4).
From my understanding the origin of the particle (either produced in an
interaction or started from a given point by the user) should not make a
difference for the further transport of this particle.
I attach the transport limits of FLUKA, as they are listed in the manual.
I would be grateful if you could explain me the difference.
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Transport limits listed in the FLUKA memory:
Secondary particles Primary particles
charged hadrons 1 keV-20 TeV (*) 100 keV-20 TeV (*) (**)
neutrons thermal-20 TeV (*) thermal-20 TeV (*)
antineutrons 1 keV-20 TeV (*) 10 MeV-20 TeV (*)
muons 1 keV-1000 TeV 100 keV-1000 TeV (**)
electrons 1 keV-1000 TeV 70 keV-1000 TeV (low-Z
materials) (**)
150 keV-1000 TeV (high-Z materials) (**)
photons 100 eV-1000 TeV 1 keV-10000 TeV
heavy ions <10000 TeV/n <10000 TeV/n
(*) upper limit 10 PeV with the DPMJET interface
(**) lower limit 10 keV in single scattering mode
Received on Tue Apr 19 2011 - 01:12:10 CEST
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