Dear John,
I am sorry I cannot experience the same crash as you.
By the way, have you used flair to write or look at your input file? (I
am thinking about a possible misalignment that is immediately visible
with flair).
Would you please send the .out as well?
On Apr 19, 2011 10:01 PM, John Brittingham<>
> Dear FLUKA Collaborators,
> I am having the following problem periodically when I submit my FLUKA
> input files. FLUKA will create the fluka_* folder and all of the
> files that are normally in fluka-* except the .err file. Then, FLUKA
> writes "Unexpected End of Input: Start Assumed" to my .out file even
> though my input does contain a proper START card. FLUKA then writes
> this same line to the .out file repeatedly until it crashes my server.
> I was wondering if anyone had experienced a similar problem or knows
> of a solution. Thank you in advance for your help.
> John
Received on Wed Apr 20 2011 - 18:07:31 CEST
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