yes,I take into account the particle weight.
The fluence using USRBDX record just for one source particle.
I get particles information (with their energy, weight,
coordinates and direction cosines at the point of crossing)
crossing a given boundary using fluscw.f.Here the particle weight
corresponding with total weight of the primaries run.
And then ,I can get the fluence crossing a given boundary
for one source particle using particle weight, direction
cosines at the point of crossing,total weight of the primaries run.
Is there anyting wrong?
thank you.
> -----=D4=AD=CA=BC=D3=CA=BC=FE-----
> To: zhangg_at_ihep.ac.cn
> CC: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: Re: Problem with recording particles crossing a given boundary
> Hello
> do you take into account the particle weight?
> Paola
> > Dear fluka users
> > I want to record particle information crossing a given
> > boundary using USRBDX and fluscw.f.But I can not get results
> > as I expected.The neutron fluence using fluscw.f record accord
> > with result from USRBDX .But the proton fluence defined decay
> > time using fluscw.f is not equal to result from USRBDX.
> > This just for simple geometry model.
> > I find the difference between the result using fluscw.f
> > and using USRBDX up to 30 times when I caculate proton fluence
> > defined decay times by complex geometry model.
> > Is there anyting wrong in my input file or fluscw.f file?
> > I am attaching input file and fluscw.f for reference.
> > Thank you.
> > Zhang
> >
> >
Received on Wed May 11 2011 - 11:34:20 CEST
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