how do you calculate a cross section from RESNUCLEi results? Your result
would only be valid if you used an extremely thin target, and in any
case you
have no way to know if the target was thin enough.
I suspect that the difference you get with respect to TENDL comes from
the fact
that as energy increases you produces more and more secondary neutrons,
can contribute to the reaction you are interested in.
In other words, you probably get y89(n,2n)y88 reactions not only due to
neutrons, but also to secondaries: and this is why the "FLUKA cross section"
appears to be larger.
On Wed, 1 Jun 2011, Andrzej wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts
> I would like to calculate the cross section of y89(n,2n)y88 reaction using
> RESNUCLEi command.(see ny200.inp).
> Unfortunately the results are not correctly for beam energy greater than
> 70MeV (comparing with TENDL data) (see TENDL-n2n.doc.)
> Are TENDL evaluated data reliable?
> What is the reeaons? What do I do badly?
> Kind regards
> Andrzej
Received on Sun Jun 05 2011 - 10:20:31 CEST
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