Dear Julian,
I would suggest to read the instructions in the online manual at the
chapter 13 (User routines):
There you find how to implement your own code to get a fluka executable.
In particular look at the points 3) how to link your already compiled
subroutine(s) (let's say yyy.o) to the FLUKA library (and eventually other
libraries of interest) to get your executable myfluka:
lfluka -o myfluka -m fluka yyy.o
If you are running using FLAIR, remember to specify the name of your own
Best regards,
Anna Ferrari
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
01314 Dresden (Germany)
> Dear Fluka experts,
> Recently I have received great help from you in defining subroutine, but
> now
> , due to my lack of experience with fluka , I am unable to integrate it
> into
> my project. If someone could send me some small example on how I could
> connect (already compiled) subroutine file to fluka project , It would be
> great.
> Thank you in advance ,
> Julian.
Received on Mon Jun 06 2011 - 17:30:55 CEST
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