Dear Hamideh
How big is the difference ? In the case of USRTRACK you are scoring the
fluence using a track length estimator. The fluence is calculated by summing
all tracks (weighted with dose conversion factor in you specific case) inside
the region of interest and dividing by its volume (which has to be indicated
in the USRTRACK card).
With the USRBDX you are scoring the fluence by "counting" particles crossing
the surface (also you must input the right surface in the input card). For
example if your box is filled with a highly absorbing media and you are
scoring particles entering the box (USRBDX) and USRTRACK (inside the box
based on track lengths) the later may give a lower value but this is hard to
judge without your input and could explain the difference.
Best regards
Joachim Vollaire
-----Original Message-----
From: [
] On Behalf Of Hamideh Jalali
Sent: 20 June 2011 12:28
To: fluka-discuss
Subject: Scoring dose equivalent by USRBDX and USRTRACK
Dear FLUKA Users
I am going to score dose equivalent by using USRBDX and USRTRACK. The
scoring region is a 2 * 2 *1 rectangular parallelepiped. The total response
in both detectors are pSv/primary ( if I am right). My question is why
these results are different despite the area is 4 cm2 and volume is 4 cm3.
Kind Regards
Received on Tue Jun 21 2011 - 14:21:54 CEST
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