Dear Danny,
You can find He-4 energy (lines) from Pu isotope (you want) decay in=20
physics reference literature (books) and set up according to your Pu-Be=20
source design. =20
Good luck
30 =D0=B8=D1=8E=D0=BD=D1=8F 2011, 20:52 =D0=BE=D1=82 =E9=82=93=E6=95=8F=E7=
=BB=B4 <>:
> Dear Oleg,
> If I define He-4 beam,I must know the alpha particle energy distribution =
of Pu
> decay.Then it can bombard the Be.
> Yours,
> Danny
> ----- =E5=8E=9F=E5=A7=8B=E9=82=AE=E4=BB=B6 -----
> =E5=8F=91=E4=BB=B6=E4=BA=BA: "Oleg Tkach" <>
> =E6=94=B6=E4=BB=B6=E4=BA=BA:
> =E5=8F=91=E9=80=81=E6=97=B6=E9=97=B4: =E6=98=9F=E6=9C=9F=E4=BA=8C, 2011=
=E5=B9=B4 6 =E6=9C=88 28=E6=97=A5 =E4=B8=8A=E5=8D=88 11:44:06
> =E4=B8=BB=E9=A2=98: Re: How to simulate this neutron source?
> Hi, Danny,
> You can define He-4 beam in Beryllium volume with characteristics you wan=
t (or
> your Pu-Be source characteristics).
> Good luck,
> Oleg
> 27 =D0=B8=D1=8E=D0=BD=D1=8F 2011, 11:55 =D0=BE=D1=82 dengmw_at_student.sysu.=
> > Dear all,
> >=20
> > As we know,there are reactions,
> > Pu->He+other particle
> > Be+He->neutron+other particle .
> > Now I want to get this neutron source which originates from Pu-Be
> misture.And
> > how to make it in FLAIR?It seems that Card REDDECAY fails to be effecti=
ve in
> > this circumstance.
> > I'll appreciate your help.
> >=20
> > Yours,
> > Danny
Received on Sat Jul 02 2011 - 23:34:22 CEST
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