Hello all
In the end of " Sampling from a biased distribution",it says:
The values of beam characteristics defined by commands BEAM (p. 64) and
POLARIZAti (p. 182) are available in COMMON BEAMCM: the angular
divergence (variable DIVBM), beam width (XSPOT and YSPOT), and the
polarisation vector (UBMPOL, VBMPOL, WBMPOL) can help to set up a scheme
to sample the corresponding quantities from user-defined distributions.
But sampling from the distributions pre-defined by BEAM and POLARIZAti
is not simply inherited by subroutine SOURCE: it is the responsibility
of the user to write such a scheme!
I have to activated SOURCE with my source routine,because the particles
of my sample are not monoenergy.At same time,i need an isotropic
distribution in particle direction.So how should i do?
1 Assigning a value(>2000*pi) to variable DIVBM ,which can be overridden
in user routine SOURCE?
2 Write myself a scheme for the isotropic distribution in user routine
One more question,in START card WHAT(1)=3Dmaximum number of primary
histories simulated in the run
Default = 5000.0
what is the maximum value of the WHAT(1) in START?
forgive me for my ignorance and best regards!
Received on Thu Jul 07 2011 - 16:58:31 CEST
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