Dear Oleg,
production and transport of scintillation photons are possible in
FLUKA, but the user needs to provide most of the necessary information.
Production is requested by command OPT-PROD (see the manual) with
SDUM = SCINTILL, indicating a maximum of 3 single emission energies
(alternately SDUM = SCINT-WV, indicating a maximum of 3 photon wavelengths,
or SDUM = SCINT-OM, indicating a maximum of 3 photon angular frequencies).
The user must give, per material, the fraction of deposited energy going into
the 3 photon energies/wavelengths/frequencies and the time constant of
scintillation light
Optical photon transport is regulated by command OPT-PROP. The user must
provide various optical quantities (refraction index, absorption coefficient
etc.) as a function of material. Several user routines are available
to define them. See on the manual the full description of the command and a few
On Fri, 22 Jul 2011, Oleg Tkach wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users and authors
> I would like to do scintillation counting (amount of flares) in
> volume of NaI scintillator from 241-Am source.
> If it is possible, do you think you could help me or give me some examples?
> Thanks in advance,
> Oleg
Received on Mon Jul 25 2011 - 23:36:56 CEST
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