Dear Patrick
You can find an example at
It is among the files for the Exercise 8 on user routines on Thursday
morning (source2.f and spectrum.dat)
Further explanations and help on source implementations can also be found
in the lecture on sources on Wednesday morning.
However, I suggest that before before implementing your own source you get
some experience in using FLUKA for simpler problems. A good starting point
are the lectures of past FLUKA courses that can be found in the above
On Mon, 25 Jul 2011, Patrick Dethlof wrote:
> Dear Fluka Users,
> i am a beginner in Fluka and Flair. I started with Flair to get
> familiar with the program.
> Now i want to simulate a photon source of a medical linear
> accelerator. So my source should use a spectrum instead a
> monoenergetic energy.
> I tried to understand the source.f file, but i did not get it.
> I also had a look in the discuss page, but often links aren't
> available any more.
> Can anybody help me, please?
> Best wishes
> Patrick Dethlof
Received on Tue Jul 26 2011 - 16:22:11 CEST
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