Could you please post the input and explain in a few words what you would
like to calculate/study? Neither your question nor you graph are fully
clear to me.
Best regards
On Sat, 30 Jul 2011, zhangguoqing01_at_tsinghua.org.cn wrote:
> Dear FLUKA Users,
> I am using FLUKA to make simulations with a Y-90 beta source. The geometry
> is rather simple: one point Y-90 source inside a two-layer shielding,
> which include 1 mm plexiglass and 1 mm lead.
> The simulation runs very slow. To speed up the simulation, someone told me
> that I can turn the delta-production off by setting a production cut
> higher than the maximum source energy, but this seems not possible. I
> found in the following link that FLUKA will automatically set the
> transport threshold equal to the production one.
> http://www.fluka.org/web_archive/earchive/new-fluka-discuss/3678.html
> It's written in the FLUKA manual (pp. 8) that the lowest energy of primary
> electrons is about several tens of keV. When I use the multiple scattering
> transport, the electron current on the outer surface of the shielding
> looks strange. In the first energy bin, the current is abnormally high
> (see the attachment). If single scattering transport is used, the peak at
> the first bin disappears. The problem is the single scattering transport
> is extremely slow. Can somebody tell me how to get rid of the strange peak
> and make the simulation faster?
> Thanks a lot!
> Vielen Dank!
Received on Tue Aug 16 2011 - 17:34:30 CEST
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