Hello everyone,
Thank you for the responses. Just to clarify my question,
1) If I set a production energy cut off of 1e-3 via [ EMFCUT, no SDUM, and WHAT(1)=1e-3 ], no electron will be produced
with total (rest mass + kinetic) energy below 1 MeV and no positrons will be produced with total energy below 1 MeV.
2) If I set a transport energy cut off of -1e-4, via [ EMFCUT, SDUM=TRANSPORT and WHAT(1)= -1e-4 ], electrons and
positrons will be transported down to a kinetic energy of 100 keV.
Thank you and best wishes,
On 11-08-24 06:45 AM, Francesco Cerutti wrote:
>> Does the energy threshold for electron and positron production as defined by the WHAT(1) apply to electrons and
>> positrons individually or is it for e+/e- pair?
> Individually (they are also generated in other processes than pair production)
> Francesco
On 11-08-24 01:45 AM, sujoy_at_vecc.gov.in wrote:
> Dear Mina,
> In reply to ur previous mail, you can stop the electrons in the convertor by putting transport cutoff in the convertor
> more than the energy of the primary electron beam. As for your second mail, yes, the threshold for the production cutoff
> holds for both electron and positron. It is not possible to assign different values for positron and electron in the
> same material.
> With regards,
> S. Chatterjee
> TLD Unit, VECC
> Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
> 1/AF-Bidhannagar,
> Kolkata - 700 064
> Ph: +91-33-23184207
> Fax:+91-33-23346871
> Website:http://www.vecc.gov.in
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