Dear Daniel,
NET-CHRG gives - in units of the elementary charge - the algebraic sum of
the charges entering the USRBIN bin volume minus the algebraic sum of the
charges leaving it (a charge generated and stopped in the same bin makes a
null contribution). In principle you could filter it on electrons via
AUXSCORE. On the other hand, USRBIN can score the electron fluence
Hope this helps
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
On Fri, 26 Aug 2011, Sanchez Parcerisa, Daniel wrote:
> Hello,
> Could any of the developers build up a little bit on the new NET-CHRG
> estimator for USRBIN? What does it score exactly? Net charge of particles
> passing by? Of particles who are created/stop at a different point? I would
> like to use it to score the number of delta ray electrons created inside a
> detector volume (which will typically stop inside the same region, so I
> don't see a way of scoring them with USRBDX or the like), would that be a
> reasonable approach?
> Thanks a lot,
> --------------------------------------
> Daniel Sanchez Parcerisa
> Siemens AG
> Healthcare Sector
> Imaging & IT Division
Received on Sun Aug 28 2011 - 21:24:23 CEST
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