Dear all,
the suggestion of Joachim raises an interesting further question:
With the HI-PROPE card one can sample emissions from one isotope, would
it be possible to write a source.f - routine which handles sampling
gamma- and beta emissions from different isotopes (which would need to
be enumerated within the routine or in a data file, together with their
relative abundances). If yes, maybe one of the FLUKA-authors or gurus
could provide a sample routine ?
Best regards, Thomas
On 09.09.2011 16:33, Joachim Vollaire wrote:
> Dear Mina,
> If you want to try different shielding configuration I would do as suggested
> by Thomas in your earlier post and identify the relevant isotopes analytically
> using the gamma-constant. Then for each relevant isotopes (or each type of
> emitters for the sake of simplicity ?) I would do a calculation with a
> cylindrical or Cartesian source depending on the shape of your gas container,
> and use the HI-PROPE card to specify which isotope decay to consider (primary
> will be sampled from the isotope decay...). Then you can know for example that
> for each Bq of decay of a given isotope homogeneously distributed inside your
> gas container you associate a given dose rate on contact of your shielding...
> Hope this help
> Joachim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [
> ] On Behalf Of Mina Nozar
> Sent: 08 September 2011 19:30
> To:
> Subject: Using res. nuc. inventory for different shielding config.
> Hello everyone,
> Is it possible to use a residual nuclei inventory (at a given coolin
> time) as a source (isotropic) to assess different
> rad. decay shielding configurations?
> Thank you and best wishes,
> Mina
-- Thomas Otto Safety Officer, Technology Department TE-HDO CERN CH-1211 Genève 23 Tel (+41 22) 76 73272 GSM (+41 76) 487 0648 thomas.otto_at_cern.chReceived on Sat Sep 10 2011 - 13:27:44 CEST
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