Dear Mario,
Thank you for your response.
In my input under the transport section and for photons, I have:
EMFCUT production cut: 1 MeV
EMFCUT transport cut: 200 keV
RADDECAY decay cut: 1.0 (1.0 * 0.1 * 200) = 20 keV
RADDECAY production cut: 10 (10 * 0.1 * 200) = 200 keV ===> so leaving the production transport cut the same as defined
in the EMFCUT card.
So yes, it is true that photons below 1 MeV are killed because of the production cut in EMFCUT so I would not expect to
see anything below 1 MeV. What I thought I had seen before were two sets of numbers with the first set having a
different energy interval that I had set in the input file and zeros every where for DOSE-EQ, followed by a second set,
having the binning I had chosen in the input card. It is possible I had made a mistake somewhere. If I reproduce the
behaviour, I will post again.
Best wishes,
On 11-09-24 07:02 PM, Santana, Mario wrote:
> Mina,
> I think that what happens is that you are killing (decay) photons below 1.06 MeV.
> Check your EMFCUT and RADDECAY cards and/or output file to see what is the energy cutoff for photons.
> On Sep 21, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Mina Nozar wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have come across an odd behaviour in the output of USRTRACK scoring when I score dose rate in a given volume. Using
>> the DCYSCORE card, I look at gamma dose rate at different cooling times. I am including the cards for two cooling times
>> only (0 sec and 30 days after EOB).
>> USRTRACK -1. DOSE-EQ -35. rTaConv 100.DEPTa0s
>> USRTRACK 0.05 1E-4&
>> USRTRACK -1. DOSE-EQ -36. rTaConv 100.DEPTa30d
>> USRTRACK 0.05 1E-4&
>> When looking through the usrtrack output file for either unit (I have attached test_usrtrack_35_tab.lis),
>> I see a series of energy intervals with zero for dose rate and rel. error, before the results are shown for the energy
>> interval I selected in the scoring.
>> Does anyone know why this happens?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mina
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