Sorry Alberto,
My mistake. I grabbed the wrong USRBIN card from my input file. I am scoring three distributions (in regards to beam
particles). I am sorry.
1) beam particle fluence:
USRBIN 10. BEAMPART -74. 3.0 3.0 10.BeamPDis
USRBIN -3. -3.0 -2.0 60. 60. 240.&
2) Deposited energy by beam particles:
USRBIN 0.0 ENERGY -78. 3.0 3.0 10.BeamPEDis
USRBIN -3. -3.0 -2.0 60. 60. 240.&
3) Star density by beam particles:
USRBIN 0.0 BEAMPART -81. 3. 3. 10.BPStarDen
USRBIN -3. -3. -2. 60. 60. 240.&
Best wishes,
On 11-10-07 12:34 PM, Alberto Fasso' wrote:
> Hello Mina,
> I don't think that your input is correct.
> To score stars made by beam particles, you don't need to request ENERGY in USRBIN, but BEAMPART. And then you don't need
> to use AUXSCORE: AUXSCORE is used to "filter" quantities such as ENERGY, DOSE or DOSE-EQ, to which several different
> particles can contribute. But BEAMPART stars can only be made by
> BEAMPART particles.
> Try:
> USRBIN 0.0 BEAMPART -78. 3.0 3.0 10.BeamPEDis
> USRBIN -3. -3.0 -2.0 60. 60. 240.&
> By the way, when using AUXSCORE (as I said, not needed here) you need to input
> as WHAT(4) also the name of the binning you are referring to, in this case,
> for instance, BeamPEDis.
> Kind regards,
> Alberto
> On Fri, 7 Oct 2011, Mina Nozar wrote:
>> Hello Alberto,
>> My comment was specifically in regards to the USRBIN card I had defined where I chose Beam particles Via. the associated
>> AUXSCORE card:
>> USRBIN 0.0 ENERGY -78. 3.0 3.0 10.BeamPEDis
>> USRBIN -3. -3.0 -2.0 60. 60. 240.&
>> Best wishes,
>> Mina
>> On 11-10-07 11:58 AM, Alberto Fasso' wrote:
>>> Dear Mina,
>>>> ...since stars is the defined as the number of inelastic interactions caused by a beam particle....
>>> No, stars are the number of inelastic interactions caused by ANY particle, not
>>> only beam particles. Unless of course if you have asked specifically for
>>> stars from beam particles.
>>> Alberto
Received on Mon Oct 10 2011 - 09:14:37 CEST
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