I do know that. That will not easily work with the way that I run batch
codes. I want to use the same ".inp" file for each run. If I had to
modify the RANDOMIZE card, then I would have to generate a script that
would change the ".inp" file for each run. I was looking for something
a little easier.
Right now, I have 99 random numbers and I associate one .inp file with
On Oct 8, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Paola Sala wrote:
> Hello
> maybe I'm going to tell something that you already know, but..
> The easiest thing is to change the random seed in the what(2) of the
> RANDOMIZE card. The code will iniitialize by himself a differentrandom
> sequence for each seed at the first run. Is this what you need?
> Note also that if the user forces an initial random FILE whose seeddoes
> not match the one in the randomize card, the file is disregarded andthe
> sequence is reinitialized with the RANDOMIZE seed.
> Ciao
> Paola
>> To get more statistics, I run many identical jobs in parallel. Sothat
>> they, are different I start with a different seed file. Is there aneasy
>> way,
>> that I can generate say 500 different random seeds? In that way, Ican
>> run
>> 500 jobs with the same input file.
>> Howard Matis
Received on Mon Oct 10 2011 - 09:14:34 CEST
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