Hello everybody.
My questions are looking rather dumb! I've troubles with evaluation of
quantities such as NIEL, DPA, LET etc., as they are not available for
(a) track-based scores (usrtrack)
(b) collision-based scores (usrcoll)
(c) cross-bsed scores (usrbdx).
My question has dual face in this regard.
First, is this a limitation of implementation method in Fluka or is
inherent t the nature of these quantities? To my knowledge, these
quantities could be simulated with a "Boltzmann" solver, so are
reproducible from flux calculators. So I think this is not an
essential property of these quantities. Is there any guidance?
The other; what is the handy method for evaluation of NIEL, and DPA as
a function of energy, charge, etc.? For instance, assume an Iron plate
bombarding with proton primaries. Moreover I'm in trouble with LET
simulation in USERYLD card. Is there any suggestion?
Ali Koosh
Received on Tue Dec 20 2011 - 09:12:24 CET
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