Dear Alfredo,
in my last email I sent you err-file with reason of run stopping. I
calculated 500 jobs with the same input file using old and new FLUKA. In
cause of old FLUKA I got 500 outputs, new gave my only 120 outputs. The
errors were either
Abort called from rrqmd reason rqmd event are being rejected too often
Run stopped!
STOP rqmd event are being rejected too often or
Program received signal 8 (SIGFPE): Floating-point exception.
Backtrace for this error:
+ /usr/lib/ [0x7f7ee1d61226]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x7f7ee1d62ade]
+ /usr/lib/ [0x7f7ee1d6196a]
+ /lib/ [0x7f7ee15841e0]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x75d598]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x6e4438]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x67cf9f]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x68df02]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x6786bc]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x414a5e]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0xb1a64a]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0xc11df2]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x95b5e2]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x8268a7]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x80aafb]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x40c98c]
+ /lib/ [0x7f7ee1570c4d]
+ /lustre/cbm/user/kisselan/fluka/flukadpm3() [0x40c889]
I think, it is enough statistics to understand that something happens.
Did you try to run my input? It would be important to know, can you
reproduce my situation.
But I have other question. Is there any computer memory limits for FLUKA or RQMD?
If yes, it could explain first problem.
Best regards
From: on behalf of Alfredo Ferrari
Sent: Fri 27/01/2012 10:33
To: Senger, Anna Dr.
Subject: RE: Heavy ion beams in fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA
Dear Anna
the fact you used the same input is immaterial. The random number sequence
*DID* change between the respins -> hence a relatively rare error can show
up with one respin and not with the other, even though nothing has
really changed apart a bug correction in completely unrelated parts of
the code.
Is this the run which crashed because of a floating exception or the one
experiencing too many rqmd rejections?
We need the input/random seed for both to look at the issues
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
| Switzerland || |
Received on Sun Jan 29 2012 - 12:45:41 CET
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