I am not sure of other advantages with the 64 bit version.
It could be necessary, if you link FLUKA to other libraries at 64 bit.
However please consider this important caveat:
- this 64 bit version of FLUKA is based on the gfortran compiler. Although this is now the standard fortran compiler
in linux distributions, we have not yet reached a full confidence in its use with respect to the
g77 case.
We had many surprises due to problems originanting from different treatment of rounding and from the
fact that there are evolutions of gfortran from version to version.
I repeat to you that it was found (at very high energies) a case in which gfortran 4.4 caused an error,
which automatically disappeared with 4.5 version.
Therefore I invite to consider this gfortran 64 bit version as still an experimental distribution.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On 03/02/2012 20:53, Mina Nozar wrote:
> Dear Denis and Giuseppe,
> Hello and thank you for the information.
> I was successful building fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA.tar using gcc version 4.4.4.
> I did a test run (as I always do with a new installation) and did a quick comparison (just cpu time) between this set of runs and
> the output of fluka2011.2 (32 bit). I see an improvement in the CPU time.
> 32 bit:
> =======
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-A001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.905E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-A002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.882E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-A003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.877E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-B001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.864E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-B002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.861E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-B003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.922E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-C001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.900E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-C002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.888E-03 seconds
> ../../fluka_2011.2.10_flair_0.9-7/fluka01/test_general-C003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.885E-03 seconds
> 64 bit:
> =======
> test_general-A001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 9.119E-04 seconds
> test_general-A002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.304E-03 seconds
> test_general-A003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.088E-03 seconds
> test_general-B001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.293E-03 seconds
> test_general-B002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.330E-03 seconds
> test_general-B003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.302E-03 seconds
> test_general-C001.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.298E-03 seconds
> test_general-C002.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.315E-03 seconds
> test_general-C003.out: Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 1.215E-03 seconds
> The machines we have been running fluka on are 64 bit machines but so far, we have been building and running the 32 bit versions of
> fluka. We are trying to decide whether to move on the building and running the 64 build. Aside from the CPU advantage, are there
> other advantages to go the 64 bit route?
> By the way, the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS in the README files for both fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-AA.tar
> fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA.tar
> state the following which is misleading. Since this is the file everyone would look through for instructions on installations, can I
> please ask that they be updated with future releases of fluka?
> Thank you and best wishes,
> Mina
> -------------------------
> Different packages can be downloaded from the FLUKA Website www.fluka.org:
> o 32 bits, requires gcc/g77 (version >= 3.4)
> - Linux x86 (tar.gz package): fluka2011.2-linuxAA.tar.gz
> - Linux x86 (rpm installer): fluka2011.2-i686.rpm
> o 64 bits, requires gcc/gfortran (version >= 4.4)
> - Linux x86_64 (tar.gz package): fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bitAA.tar.gz
> On 12-02-02 11:58 PM, Bertini, Denis Dr. wrote:
>> Hi Mina
>> if you used the gcc4.4 version then you should take the FLUKA version pre-compiled with gcc451
>> fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA.tar
>> The default libraries you have choosen on the FLUKA server is compiled with gfortran 4.6 which creates
>> uncompatible symbols as you experienced.
>> Dr Denis Bertini
>> IT - Scientific computing
>> GSI Helmholtzzentrum f=FCr Schwerionenforschung GmbH
>> Planckstra=DFe 1
>> 64291 Darmstadt
>> www.gsi.de
> On 12-02-02 11:55 PM, Giuseppe Battistoni wrote:
> > Dear Mina
> > Unfortunately, as previously reported in our discussion list in the last 2 o 3 months,
> > we have the gfortran version of FLUKA only for gfortran versions 4.5 or 4.6
> > (fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bit-gcc451-AA and fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bitAA respectively)
> >
> > We found that the us of gfortran compiler in version 4.4 (or earlier) gives rise to
> > important bugs.
> >
> > For unknown reasons gfortran developers decided to change a lot of internal names
> > in recent versions, and that is the reason of those error messages.
> >
> > Therefore, either you upgrade to gcc4.5 (or better gcc4.6) or you stick to the old good
> > 32-bit g77 version.
> > Giuseppe Battistoni
>> On Feb 2, 2012, at 9:24 PM, Mina Nozar wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was able to install fluka2011.2.10 and flair-0.9-7 with no problems.
>>> I am now trying to build the 64 bit fluka2011.2.10 binaries using fluka2011.2-linux-gfor64bitAA.tar.gz and am seeing a
>>> lot of error messages of the sort:
>>> /NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64/libflukahp.a(nunki1.o): Infunction `nunki1_':
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:232: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_integer_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:224: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_character_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:224: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_integer_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:224: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_character_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:224: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_integer_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:225: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:225: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:225: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:225: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:226: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64/libflukahp.a(nunki1.o):/home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki1.f:226:
>>> more undefined references to `_gfortran_transfer_real_write' follow
>>> /NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64/libflukahp.a(nunki2.o): Infunction `nunki2_':
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:824: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_character_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:825: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:825: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:825: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:825: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunki2.f:825: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_real_write'
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> /NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64/libflukahp.a(nunhqk.o): Infunction `nunhqk_':
>>> /home/alfredo/fluprogfor/nundismvax/nunhqk.f:120: undefined reference to`_gfortran_transfer_character_write'
>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64/flutil'
>>> Any ideas as to what could be wrong?
>>> We have gcc4.4 installed on our 64 bit machine and I have set environment variables
>>> FLUFOR to gfortran
>>> and
>>> FLUPRO to /NOT_BACKED_UP/home/nozarm/fluka/2011.2.10-64
>>> gcc -v
>>> Using built-in specs.
>>> Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
>>> Configured with: ../configure --prefix=3D/usr --mandir=3D/usr/share/man --infodir=3D/usr/share/info
>>> --with-bugurl=3Dhttp://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla --enable-bootstrap --enable-shared --enable-threads=3Dposix
>>> --enable-checking=3Drelease --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions
>>> --enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=3Dc,c++,objc,obj-c++,java,fortran,ada --enable-java-awt=3Dgtk --disable-dssi
>>> --with-java-home=3D/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj- --enable-libgcj-multifile --enable-java-maintainer-mode
>>> --with-ecj-jar=3D/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar --disable-libjava-multilib --with-ppl --with-cloog --with-tune=3Dgeneric
>>> --with-arch_32=3Di686 --build=3Dx86_64-redhat-linux
>>> Thread model: posix
>>> gcc version 4.4.4 20100726 (Red Hat 4.4.4-13) (GCC)
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Mina
-- Director of INFN Milano via Celoria 16 20133 Milano, Italy tel. +39 02 50317649 fax +39 02 70601811Received on Sun Feb 05 2012 - 12:20:22 CET
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