Dear Carrie
There is no spherical mesh with USRBIN.. Either you define a x-y-z mesh
that is fine enough to approximate your sphere or a region-dependent
scoring. Please note that for region-dependent scoring results are not
normalized per unit volume (see Note 13 of the USRBIN card in the manual).
In this case you would have to divide the results yourself.
Best regards
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, Carrie Ling wrote:
> Dear Dr. Roesler,
> Thanks! I have read the "scoring" powerpoint, but I still have questions on finding the Dose-EQ in
> my simulation model. I am simulating the spherical shielding and I would like to score the Dose-EQ
> in certain region (i.e. 40-50 deg). I set the What(2) of the USRBIN to "R-phi-z" and I can get the
> contour of dose-EQ of the sphere, but don't know how to collect all Dose-EQ data within the
> region. Is it the right way to go?
> Regards,
> Carrie
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Stefan Roesler <> wrote:
> Dear Carrie
> 1. I have forwarded your question to the persons managing fluka-discuss
> 2. I suggest that you use a region-independent USRBIN scoring. Yoi can find further
> useful information in the FLUKA course material that can be found on the FLUKA
> web-site
> cheers
> Stefan
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Carrie Ling wrote:
> Dear Dr. Roesler,
> Thanks for your prompt reply. I appreciate. I have two more follow-up
> questions.
> 1. I have tired to email fluka-discuss before, but my questions didn't
> appear on the forum. What
> is the right way to do?
> 2. Yes, I am interested in the integrated dose. When I use USRBIN, I
> cannot get the results across
> an interface if I choose What(1)=Region. Or else, I don't know how to read
> the results from the
> output files. Would you give me some advice on using the USRBIN to score
> the ambient dose
> equivalent in certain region?
> Thanks for your great help!
> Regards,
> Carrie
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Stefan Roesler <>
> wrote:
> Dear Carrie
> You have to define USRBDX/What(2)=DOSE-EQ. By default, it will score
> total ambient
> dose equivalent. If you would like to calculate it only for certain
> particle types you
> can associate an AUXSCORE card with the USRBDX card and define the
> particle types in
> AUXSCORE/What(2). AUXSCORE allows also the use of different
> conversion coefficient
> sets.
> Note that the above scoring with USRBDX returns ambient dose
> equivalent as function of
> energy. If you are interested in integrated (over energy) dose please
> use USRBIN.
> I'll post this reply to fluka-discuss so that other users can profit
> as well.
> Cheers
> Stefan
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Carrie Ling wrote:
> Dear Dr. Roesler,
> I am a FLUKA user and have tried to use the "auxscore" card for
> converting
> "fluence" into "ambient
> dose equivalent" in my simulation. I use the "usrbdx" card to
> score the
> fluence of all particles
> and then apply the "auxscore" card to convert the fluence into
> the ambient
> dose equivalent.
> However, I don't know how to get the results of the ambient
> dose
> equivalent from the FLUKA output.
> Would you please give me some advice? Thanks!
> Regards,
> Carrie
Received on Fri Apr 13 2012 - 10:04:53 CEST
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