Dear all,
In addition to previous messages from Mina and Chris, volume calculation
could still remain a problem:
- for FLUKA/FLAIR users with Linux OS, SimpleGeo works very well with
Windows under the VirtualBox software, without any difficulty. The
geometry file could be imported between both OS through shared folders
- once before with a complex geometry (concentric spheres and tori),
MCNP was unable to assess the region volume for an energy deposition
tally. So I had to calculate every region volume...
The method described by Anna (from Alberto) seems to be neat.
> Dear Walker,
> SimpleGeo offers two kinds of volume calcultions. The one is called
> "geometric" and uses the visualized and as such
> discretized geometry. As a consequence it is very fast but might
> fail in case of
> rendering artefacts. There is another one which is called "Quasi
> Monte Carlo" which calculates the volume integral by using stratified
> numerical sequences which act on the analytic description of the geometry.
> Therefore, this method also works in the presence of rendering artefacts.
> If you are looking for the functionality to calculate volumes of arbitrary
> regions directly in your input, like it is provided for example in MCNP(X),
> then I'm afraid that FLUKA itself does not provide such a feature
> - at least not to my present knowledge. Eventually you can do it but you
> will need to do a bit of programming or set up a specific geometry, input
> and post-processing to achieve this.
> Hope that helps
> Chris
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> Chris Theis
> CERN/DGS-RP - European Organization for Nuclear Research
> 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
> Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
> e-mail:<>
> www:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------=
Jean-Emmanuel Groetz
Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement UMR CNRS 6249
Chimie Physique & Rayonnements
Universit=E9 de Franche-Comt=E9
16, route de Gray
F-25030 Besan=E7on Cedex
Phone: +33 3 81 66 65 07
Fax: +33 3 81 66 65 22
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