Hi Mina,
when a user inserts a new card the card is positioned exactly after the
cursor (presently selected card). However if you have your cursor on a
"hidden cards" then the program will try to find the best position to
insert it. If it fails it puts is at the end of the hidden range, which
wrongly could be even the end of the file (after any START/STOP card).
So when you save the file flair will insert a new STOP at the end.
I have just fix that in the development version, and will be available
quite soon.
On 09/06/12 17:43, wurth_at_ipno.in2p3.fr wrote:
> Hello Mina,
> Quoting Fluka's manual, STOP card : "Inserted at any point in a FLUKA
> input sequence before the START command, a card STOP interrupts input
> reading and de-activates all the following cards.[...]"
> This explains why the quantities you wanted to score in SCORE card are
> ignored.
> I also experienced sometimes those multiple STOP cards reported in an
> input file created with flair, but as an pre-flair fluka user I usually
> inspect my input file before running it.
> Regards.
> Sebastien
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have just come across an anomaly in fluka/flair.
>> While conducting a study to optimize the W-converter/U-target dimensions
>> for proton beam, neutron induced fissions, I
>> included in my input file a certain set of estimators for each setup. One
>> of these was the SCORE card with the following
>> whats:
>> After running a set of runs for each setup, I found (to my surprise) in
>> the output file:
>> (hope the output doesn't get clobbered).
>> Region # name volume ALL-PART Star Density BEAMPART Star Density
>> ENERGY Density EM-ENRGY Density
>> cm**3 Stars/cm**3 Stars/cm**3
>> GeV/cm**3 GeV/cm**3
>> /one beam particle /one beam particle
>> /one beam particle /one beam particle
>> 1 rBlkHole 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
>> 3.153394351E-01 2.969239455E-04
>> 2 rVacBox 1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
>> 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00
>> 3 rUtgt 1.000000000E+00 3.100000000E-03 0.000000000E+00
>> 2.390435539E-03 3.326111379E-04
>> 4 rWconv 1.000000000E+00 4.659000000E-01 4.138000000E-01
>> 1.552016146E-01 4.767196586E-03
>> Total (integrated over volume): 4.690000000E-01 4.138000000E-01
>> 4.729314853E-01 5.396731669E-03
>> So, as you can see, the quantities I had included in the SCORE card were
>> not in fact scored.
>> When I looked at the input files, I discovered the insertion of 3 STOP
>> cards above the SCORE card.
>> I have no idea how these STOP cards were inserted in the input file. I
>> did not put them in intentionally. So
>> let's say by some accident! Here is what I saw in my input files:
>> ...
>> RESNUCLE 2. -52. 94. 63. rUtgt
>> 1.RN_U_LE
>> In this case, instead of a warning or an error, the runs for my multiple
>> setups completed but the quantities scored in
>> the SCORE card were changed (to a default set?). Why does this happen?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mina
Received on Mon Jun 11 2012 - 09:31:08 CEST
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