Hi Zafar
Did you divide your spectra offline by the surface, in case of the USRBDX
detector, and by the volume in case of USRTRACK?
The respective input values (What(6) for USRBDX and What(5) for USRTRACK)
are all 1.
On Mon, 18 Jun 2012, Zafar Yasin wrote:
> Dear Stefan,
> I will happy if you can reply my forwarded enail. Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Zafar
> ________________________________________
> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it [owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it] on behalf of Zafar Yasin [Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch]
> Sent: 13 June 2012 12:02
> To: Stefan Roesler
> Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: RE: energy deposition and dose calculation
> Dear Stefan,
> Thank you so much for your guidance. But unfortunately, I am a new FLUKA user and could not succeed to get the correct dose and
> fluence at the isocenter i.e at a distance of 1m from my target. According to your suggustions, I have added a region vacaum (-50 to
> 50, -50 to 50, 0 to 100) around my target and used the USRTRAK detector. But the fluence I am getting is higher than that at the
> surface of my target. I have attatched my input with this email.
> Secondly, to obtain the dose at the isocenter the USRTRACK detector can be used or not?
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Zafar
> ________________________________________
> From: Stefan Roesler
> Sent: 10 June 2012 22:35
> To: Zafar Yasin
> Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Subject: Re: energy deposition and dose calculation
> Dear Zafar
> I have run your input and obtain data in the USRBIN detectors already
> after 20000 primaries. However, please note that you only score non-zero
> dose in the few bins that overlap with the target. Most bins of your
> scoring cover vacuum where energy deposition has to be zero by definition.
> In order to score fluence at a distance you could define a region at the
> location of interest (consisting of the same material as the areas
> around, i.e. just for scoring purposes) and use a USRTRACK detector.
> Alternatively, if you are interested only in energy-integrated fluence,
> you could score fluence with USRBIN. In this case you don't have to define
> a region since USRBIN scoring is region-independent.
> Cheers
> Stefan
> On Fri, 8 Jun 2012, Zafar Yasin wrote:
>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>> I want to calculate energy deposition and dose at a distance of 1 m from my target. For this I
>> have used USRBIN and USrBDX cards, my input file
>> is attatched with this email. I can see the out put of these detectors in the * .OUT file
>> but there is no output file of the USRBIN cards in the data files for merging. I can see only the
>> out put of USRBDX cards in the data.
>> Secondly, I am able to calculate the fluence at the boundary of the target , but if I want to
>> calculate fluence at the isocenter that is at a distance of 1m from the target, then what I should
>> do? My target has thickness 4mm (2cm, 2cm, 0.1mm/bin). I will very happy if any one of you can
>> help me in this regard.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> Zafar Yasin
Received on Wed Jun 20 2012 - 16:36:44 CEST
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