Hi Zafar, I think you should use area volume of region around the target
for usertrack.
If you want calculate Dose You also can define USRBIN card in your
interested region (volume) with particle type DOSE-EQ (for equivalent dose)
and switch Auxscore card with detector name = previously defined detector
(Usrbin part:DOSE-EQ (*pSv*)) and with* set:AMB74*.
It will calculate Dose in a region you are interested. You can use 1D plot
of USRBIN card and see spatial dependance of DOSE vs. (x,y,z) Coordinate.
For calculating total dose *accumulated *in a given region you should use
usertrack and integrate it in energies.
I noticed also your photonuc card switched on improperly. I think You
should define it from Vacuum to TUNGSTEN.
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Zafar Yasin <Zafar.Yasin_at_cern.ch> wrote:
> Dear Vahan,
> I am reading your emails in the fluka discussion and wants some help from
> you as my problem is similiar to your one and I am very new to FLUKA.
> I have attatched my input file with this email. I want to calculate dose
> and fluence at a distance of 1m from my target. For this I have defined a
> region (-50, 50; -50, 50; 0, 100) around my target (2cm, 2cm, 0.4cm) and
> added USRTRACK card for fluence. I am confused about using the area and
> volume at the isocenter i.e I have to use the area volume of the target or
> of the region around the target. I will happy if you can help me.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards,
> Zafar
Received on Tue Jun 26 2012 - 12:43:48 CEST
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