Hi Vasilis, Vittorio
The -X option showed that the tkinter was not installed. In a cluster
configuration, the administrator chose to install flair on a different
machine where I did not cross check for it. He then used the
--nodeps option to install it. That was the reason for the flair not
showing up on the client. He has since then corrected it and flair now
shows up on my client terminal.
I am now interested in the technique you use to generate the random seed
for spawning the run to many CPUs.
Also, can i modify the queue to wait for a certain number of nodes to be
available through a queue manager, before the job is submitted?
Thanks a lot for all your help.
Best Regards
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Vasilis Vlachoudis <
Vasilis.Vlachoudis_at_cern.ch> wrote:
> Hi Sunil,
> run flair with the option "-X" (capital) to disable the use of xterm. Then
> probably you will see the error message on what is missing.
> flair -X
> Cheers
> Vasilis
> Vasilis Vlachoudis
> Dep EN, CERN
> CH-1211 GENEVA 23
> Phone: +41-22 767 9851
> GSM: +41-76 487 4378
> Fax: +41-22 766 9644
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sunil C [csunil11_at_gmail.com]
> *Sent:* 09 July 2012 13:58
> *To:* Vasilis Vlachoudis
> *Cc:* fluka-discuss
> *Subject:* FLair on a remote machine
> Dear Vasilis
> I am trying to run flair on a server with the display forwarded to my
> local client machine.
> While running flair from the terminal of the client, a screen appears for
> a moment before vanishing. The terminal goes back to the prompt.
> The client is running putty usinfg ssh, under CERN scientific linux and
> connects to the server through a proxy.
> The putty is configured with X11 forwarding and the option"local ports
> accept connections from other hosts" in
> The xclock runs well on the client.
> What do you think could be the reason?
> Thanks a lot for your time and effort.
> Best Regards
> Sunil
Received on Wed Jul 11 2012 - 18:50:44 CEST
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