Hi Francesco,
Sorry for disturbing you again. I have sent a request to register in the fluka-discuss group two days ago, but still have
not heard anything. I tried what you suggested for the EMF cards. Here are the results.
Still not able to read the EMF cards
Original problem:
CMSpp001.out file has these lines at the end -
***** Next control card ***** MAT-PROP 0.000 0.000 366.0
79.00 0.000 0.000
***** Next control card ***** STERNHEI 5.987 0.4585 3.678 7
.1650E-02 3.443 0.1400 79
***** Next control card ***** EMFCUT -3.0000E-05 3.0000E-06 0.000
1.000 633.0 0.000
***** Next control card ***** EMFCUT -1.0000E-04 3.0000E-05 -1.000
2.000 0.000 0.000
Setting EMF leading particle biasing with What(3) of EMFCUT is deprecated!
If you really want EMF leading particle biasing use the EMF-BIAS card instead
The file nohup.out has the lines
$FLUPRO = /tmp/sudeshna/fluka
$PEMF = /tmp/sudeshna/fluka/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
This shows that the PEMF variable is set correctly, then why does it complain about the EMFCUT. Seems like it is not able to read
the file correctly due to a format problem ?
I then changed all the -1.0 to 0.0 for the EMF cards in my CMS.inp file, but then the program complains about the EMF cards ending
with 1.0. I changed all the 1.0 to 0.0, but now the error message is
WARNING: Invalid what(s)= [1, 3]
WARNING: Invalid what(s)= [1, 3]
WARNING: Invalid what(s)= [1, 3]
EMFCUT 1E-8 5E-7 254. RBCM2i RBCM2i
WARNING: Invalid what(s)= [1, 3]
EMFCUT 1E-8 5E-7 254. RBCM2o RBCM2o
CMSpp001.out has the lines
***** Next control card ***** EMFCUT -3.0000E-04 1.0000E-04 0.000 90.00 0.000 0.000
***** Next control card ***** EMFCUT -3.0000E-04 1.0000E-04 0.000 93.00 94.00 0.000
***** Next control card ***** EMFCUT -3.0000E-04 1.0000E-04 0.000 95.00 96.00 0.000
*** Unable to resolve name element R064 in card ***
EMFCUT -0.0003 0.0001 0.0 R064a
*** run stopped ***
But R064a is defined in CMS.inp
So, why are the EMF cards still not read properly ?.
Thanks for all your help.
From: Francesco Cerutti
Sent: 02 August 2012 00:18
To: Sudeshna Banerjee
Cc: FLUKA discussion
Subject: RE: problem with running FLUKA
> Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I have registered at the
> FLUKA website and get mails regarding new releases and the FLUKA
> schools, but may be I have to register to the fluka-discuss group
> separately ?
yes, you have to
> I understand the error now. So, what is the solution ? Should I disable
> those EMF cards which have -1 in the third column or just replace -1 by
> 0 ? I tried disabling all EMF cards, but that ends up in other errors.
Setting explicitly the EM thresholds by EMFCUT is recommended, of course
this has to be done adopting physics-driven values. So, if your
EMFCUT cards have been intentionally introduced according to physics
considerations, there is no reason to remove them, and you just have to
change WHAT(3)=-1.0 into 0.0, either manually or even by Flair. Otherwise,
FLUKA has default values which are printed in the output file, and one
can adopt them if they suit his/her case. Anyway the absence of EMFCUT
cards cannot be itself a cause for running errors
Received on Tue Aug 07 2012 - 18:52:30 CEST
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