Dear Guillermo
thank you for the information. This was a real bug which Alfredo fixed
few moments ago.
A new FLUKA respin will be distributed shortly.
On 09/05/2012 01:13 PM, Guillermo wrote:
> Dear fluka experts,
> I have recently installed fluka (2011.2.14 version) on a 64bit SUSE with
> gfortran 4.6.1 which succesfully runs $FLUPRO/example.inp.
> However, when I tried to run the attached .inp file of my own (which I
> have already tested on a different machine and perfectly works) fluka
> crashes as shown:
> <<
> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1
> =======================
> /usr/local/fluka/flutil/rfluka: line 358: 16788 Abandona
> (core dumped) "${EXE}" < "$INPN" 2> "$LOGF" > "$LOGF"
> >>
> I think the problem is related to the following cards that I used to
> lower the thresholds:
> <<
> * Low production threshold
> * Low transport threshold
> >>
> If I eliminate these cards fluka rans succesfuly on both machines.
> Is there a subtle detail I was not able to notice about this cards?
> Might it be a bug in the 64-bit fluka?
> The following info was found at the .log file generated in the crash:
> <<
> At line 311 of file bremdt.f
> Fortran runtime error: Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'chlpml' below
> lower bo
> und of 1
> Backtrace for this error:
> + function master.0.bremdt (0x9B5E41)
> at line 192 of file bremdt.f
> + function brmfin_ (0x8FEC7B)
> at line 146 of file brmfin.f
> + function brmset_ (0x777CF3)
> at line 187 of file brmset.f
> + function fllemf_ (0x67EDCF)
> at line 128 of file fllemf.f
> + function emfstp_ (0x6790CA)
> at line 412 of file emfstp.f
> + function emfini_ (0x66FFF8)
> at line 244 of file emfini.f
> + function flinit_ (0x4CA197)
> at line 187 of file flinit.f
> + function flukam_ (0x40A791)
> at line 3082 of file flukam.f
> + function fluka (0x40835C)
> at line 289 of file fluka.f
> + /lib64/ [0x7fd8d4b7bc36]
> >>
> Any help will be really appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Guillermo H.
Received on Mon Sep 10 2012 - 13:15:23 CEST
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