many thanks!
i want to know is there any data table with the maximum DPA that materials
can stand without destroying?
for example after which value of DPA Cooper or Steel will be destroyed?
On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 1:25 PM, sarchia <>wrote:
> Hi,
> if you want to calculate damage through DPA-SCO it is possible with the
> USRBIN estimator.
> You have to select DPA-SCO as quantity to score, and the desired type of
> mesh (10.0, 11.0 ...) according to your geometry.
> The results you'll get will be in unit of displacements per atom per
> unit primary weight.
> About the heat load, I guess that you can calculate it either offline,
> taking the energy deposition distribution from FLUKA and folding with
> the specific heat of the target material, or online (more or less the
> same way), compiling an external routine (comscw.f).
> A third simple way (for flair users) consists in calculating energy
> deposition with FLUKA and then normalize the results multiplying by the
> specif heat coefficient or expression.
> I hope it could be helpful,
> Lucia
> Il 19/10/2012 10:23, Vahan Petrosyan ha scritto:
> > HI, I am interested in the DPA quantity scoring of fluka
> >
> > I want to calculate damage induced by the beam of 20Mev electrons, when
> > beam hits directly the STEEL with 2-3mm thickness .
> > Can I use DPA-SCO in userbin in order to calculate damages? and how to do
> > it correctly?
> > Mainly I want to know, how much heat load can produce beam? can fluka
> > calculate it and how?
> >
Received on Sat Oct 27 2012 - 00:25:27 CEST
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