Dear Alfredo,
Thanks for your valuable comment and necessary steps on the problem that I
am facing. The combination of gas pressure and density in my problem is
probably wrong. I am still working on that. However, recently I rebuilt the
input file for the same geometry and the problem seems to be disappeared.
The program did not crush so far.
I appreciate the inputs from fluka experts and users and this is helping me
out in learning fluka.
Dept of Physics, Oklahoma State University
On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 7:51 AM, Alfredo Ferrari <>wrote:
> Dear Fluka users
> a respin, fluka2011.2.16, has been just released. This respin fixes
> the following conditions:
> a) a slight discontinuity around particle energies corresponding to
> the threshold for delta production (eg around 50 MeV protons for
> a delta threshold of 100 keV)
> b) a crash when using PPSOUR for hadron-nucleus in the energy range
> c) nonsense results and crashes when using gases with possibly
> incorrect pressure/density. In some conditions, like those experienced
> by Mohammad Islam in his message "Fluka crashes for higher primaries
> for heavy ion", the user could define a combination of
> density/pressure
> for a gas which makes it out of the validity range
> of the Sternheimer-Peierls general formula for the density effect for
> gases. Very likely or the density (2.27E-4) or the pressure (1/50 atm)
> is wrong in Mohammad input (Mohammad please let us know if this
> supposition is true). Anyway a gas with that composition/density
> /pressure is unmanageable from the point of view of the standard
> Sterhneimer-Peierls treatment of the density effect in stopping power.
> The conseuquences are potentially catastrophic with computed stopping
> powers which can be ten orders of magnitude or more larger than real
> ones. Now a protection is built-in stopping the code at initialization
> time if a similar condition is detected. If such a gas do really
> exist,
> the user can still run Fluka by providing manually sensible density
> effect parameters by means of the STERNHEI input card: of course the
> user takes full responsibility for the physical soundness of
> such parameters
> d) the incorrect use of HEAVYION beams which are actually
> defined through the HI-PROPE card to be a p,n,d,3-H,3-He or 4-He
> is now prevented. In such a case now the code stops. Please use
> PROTON, NEUTRON, DEUTERON etc beams if you need one of these
> instead of "cheating" the code.
> e) the "smearing" of the energy at which Fluka switches from the
> the internal models to Dpmjet for h-p and h-A collisions is now
> activated by default: it was off by mistake. The transition occurs
> gradually between 10 and 30 TeV lab energy
> At minimum a) is changing the random number sequence (and very slightly
> the results) hence all users are kindly invited to upgrade to the current
> respin. Assistance/bug correction will be provided only for the
> latest respin.
> The FLUKA developer team
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
> | CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
> | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
> | Switzerland || |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
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