Hi all,
I wonder if it is also possible to include 165Ho (present at least in
ENDF database) low energy cross section in a future FLUKA respin.
Concernig Zijia Zhao second question, I guess that what he (she)
looking for is a inventory/depletion like mechanism where the
concentration of produced nuclides is so massive to alter the
composition of the material and consequently, the particles transport
properties. To take into account this effect an actualization of the
material composition should be performed at various time step. I do not
think that actually the standard FLUKA package could do that. Off
course, some user routine should be developed for this purpose by people
interested on this argument.....
Thanks in Advance
On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 08:29 +0100, Paola Sala wrote:
> Dear Zijia Zhao
> Elements that are not in the FLUKA neutron database can be added, if there
> is the corresponding data set in the ENDF or JENDL compilations. Please
> let us now which isotopes you need, we will try to add them in a next
> respin, if possible.
> For what concerns your second question, well the nuclides that did not
> react are those that you defined through the material and assignmat cards.
> Maybe I miss something but I see no reason to score them.
> Regards
> Paola
> From: <sszdzl1_at_mail.ustc.edu.cn>
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 09:27:04 +0800 (CST)
> Dear all,
> I am doing some caculation on nuclear waste by FLUKA, and here are my
> questions:
> 1. I need some more nuclear data about transuranium elements which seems
> not placed in FLUKA datebase, for example, Cm244 and Np237,
> is there any way to solve this problem?
> 2. When I use RESNUCLE in FLUKA, I find only nuclides which were produced
> in reaction is scored, but nuclides which did not react is
> needed as well. How could I score all nuclides?
> Any help will be appreciated!
> Zijia Zhao
> Received on Mon Nov 05 2012 - 12:29:45 CET
> Paola Sala
> INFN Milano
> tel. Milano +39-0250317374
> tel. CERN +41-227679148
-- Dr. Nunzio Burgio ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development UTFISSM-PRONOC ENEA C.R. CASACCIA S.P. Anguillarese 310 Roma 00060 Italia Tel +396-3048-3410 E-Mail:nunzio.burgio_at_enea.it WEB-Site:www.casaccia.enea.itReceived on Thu Nov 15 2012 - 12:09:29 CET
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