Dear Paola,
Thank you very much for your reply. I am not familiar with fortran but
unfortunately this problem required a little bit (or more) of fortran
coding. I tried to get help from already discussed problem in the
discussion site and tried to adopt those in my case. These fluscw.f or
source.f code is taken from the discussion website.
This is a two step problem (suggested by Dr. Stefan ). In step one, I tried
to run a fluka code and generate an external file (test.dat) using USRBDX
with the help of fluscw_step1.f routine. This file contains all the
particles entering from one region (air) to another (phantom). Then I ran
this file through MATLAB to get rid of neutrons (Particle ID 8). There
might be a easier way to get rid of the neutrons and write particles info
into an external file, which I dont know. After that I tried to run these
external source particles (without neutron) file using the source.f. But I
never succeed. Also, I dont know why the kinetic energy is negative?
I am attaching the step 1 fluka input and fluscw.f file, the input I used
to generate the files that contain all external particles. Would you please
help me to solve this problem. I vastly appreciate any kind of help.
Mohammad Rafiqul Islam
Oklahoma State Univeristy
On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Paola Sala <> wrote:
> Dear Mohammad Rafiqul Islam,
> there are at least two problems with your data file:
> - the first one is that it is not written with a well defined format,
> while the source routine tries to read it with a fixed format. One should
> either write the file with the same format as the read statement , or read
> it with a free format.
> - the second is that all the kinetic energies are negative. Here I cannot
> help, please debug the fluscw.f routine.
> Regards
> Paola
> Dear Fluka Users and experts,
> I am having a problem to read the external source particles. I generated
> the source data using a USRBDX card with the help of fluscw.f and saved the
> data as dat file. I tried to run fluka for external source particles but
> ends up with with errors. I dont know what the problem is. I am attaching
> the necessary files in a zip folder. Please help me in solving this issue.
> Sincerely
> Mohammad Rafiqul Islam
> Graduate student, Oklahoma State university
> Paola Sala
> INFN Milano
> tel. Milano +39-0250317374
> tel. CERN +41-227679148
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