Dear Vahan
With an electron beam you should not kill the electromagnetic cascade for
the prompt radiation... Thus, remove RADDECAY/What(5)=99999.
Otherwise, note that your steel SS316LN has index 30 which is beyond lead.
Thus, if you are interested in photonuclear interactions in steel please
use instead of LEAD the generic variable @LASTMAT
Are you sure about the setting of What(1), i.e., excluding high-energy and
quasi deuteron processes? I suggest to use PHOTONUC/What(1)=1
Best regards
On Fri, 16 Nov 2012, Vahan Petrosyan wrote:
> Hi I tried to calculate residual dose rate according to this tutorial
> but have problems.
> I switched on all necessary cards (RADDECCAY, IRRPROFI, DCYTIMES,
> DCYSCORE ) and linked USRBIN, RESNUCLEI scoring cards with appropriate
> dacay times, and FLUKA runs without errors!
> The problem that I get all ZEROS in reporting plots of USERBIN,
> RESNUCLEI (in my case type Eq. Dose), and even more for any type of
> scored quantity not only Eq. Dose
> I also attached my input file if You have time please take a look.
> Thanks!
Received on Sun Nov 18 2012 - 20:13:48 CET
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